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This work (Work ID: 98-53) is a special case!
The series consists of 5 paintings that represent the consecutive stages of the painting process as depicted in the video (above).
Versions "-v01" and "-v02" are titled "The blessings of super productivity".
Versions "-v03", "-v04" and "-v05" are titled "Big dollars or fun?"
All five versions of the painting and two versions of the painting video are included in the purchase price.
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Work ID: 98-53-v01
(That's the title of Work ID: 98-53-v01 / -v02)
First part of a series of 5 digital paintings by Bo Lessing, dated on work "2271"
One-of-a-kind original artworks
Work ID: 98-53 (series)
Price: 350 $
All 5 versions included in price
This work is for sale!
Work ID: 98-53-v01
Title: "The blessings of super productivity"
This work is the result of the first half of the above video and can be understood fully only if one has seen the video.
The video is basically a written talk that explains how "automated factories", artificial intelligence and humanoid robots do the work that creates to extreme level of added value which finally will be given to all citizens as a fat monthly UBI check.
Version 98-53-v02 contains the relevant word in a different arrangement. It is a little less crowded and will be give a better opportunity to understand the text elements.
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Work ID: 98-53-v02
Title: "The blessings of super productivity"
This version contains the initial text of the video and thus all of what is difficult to read in the first version (= 98-53-v01). Please read the explanation of the text elements below.
Work ID: 98-53-v02
Explanation of the text elements:
1 - "Is anyone missing poverty?"
2 - "Super productivity"
[only in video:] "automated factories"
[only in video:] "not humanoid machines"
3 - "Fully automated factories"
4 - "-> machines + AI -> hardly any humans needed"
5 - "+ service jobs = robots"
6 - "Profits"
7 - "become" [pink letters behind "150,000"]
8 - "Basic Income"
9 - "150,000 $"
10 - "per year"
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(That's the title of Work ID: 98-53-v03 / -v04 / -v05)
Second part of a series of 5 digital paintings by Bo Lessing, dated on work "2271"
One-of-a-kind original artworks
Work ID: 98-53 (series)
Price: 350 $
All 5 versions included in price
This work is for sale!
Work ID: 98-53-v03
Title: "Big dollars of fun only?"
Here Lessing shows a painting that mainly represents the second part of the painting video.
The subject here is the identification, education and motivation of the most intelligent kids who should select careers relevant for the benefit of society and make big dollars with it - well beyond UBI. While the majority will just have fun spending their UBI.
Work ID: 98-53-v03
Explanation of the text elements:
1 - "Compulsory education"
2 - "until age 25"
3 - "Because society deserves a chance"
4 - "to identify and motivate"
5 - "the top"
"10%" [seen in video an other versions of the painting]
6 - "most intelligent"
7 - "for science, administration and creativity"
8 - "keeping things going"
9 - "earning praise and"
10 - "big $"
11 - "while the majority"
12 - "concentrates on"
13 - "fun"
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Work ID: 98-53-v04
Title: "Big dollars of fun only?"
In the video we first see a group of female students sitting on their school desks with their backs to us. In the next step, as seen first in version 98-53-v04, Lessing turns three of the ladies to face us and gives some information about their IQ, their personality, their hobbies and ambitions.
Version 98-53-v05 isolates the three main characters and cheers them for keeping the society running and thereby the majority of the not-working population sponsored and happy. And yes, they deserve big dollars for their services to society!
Work ID: 98-57-v04
Title: "Big dollars of fun only?"
Work ID: 98-57-v05
Title: "Big dollars of fun only?"
Explanation of the text elements:
Some students sit with the back to the viewer on their school desks. Three young women face the viewer.
[14 - "IQ 128" --- Only on video]
15 - "IQ 131"
16 - "IQ 119" (but lazy and rebellious)
17 - "IQ 123"
18 - "Loves leading and mentoring"
19 - "Ambitious law maker"
20 - "Owns 3 robots."
21 - "Owns vintage robots."
22 - "Left human boyfriend. Lives with robot lover again."
23 - "Loser" [referencing human boyfriend]
[24 - "Thanks!" --- Only on -v05]
[25 - "You deserve" --- Only on -v05]
26 - "big $"
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Work ID: 98-53-v05
Work ID: 98-53-v01 on the wall of an off scene art fair
Work ID: 98-53-v02 on the wall of an off scene art fair
Work ID: 98-53-v05 on the wall of an off scene art fair
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Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
All versions included in price!
Unlimited copyright included in price!
Buyer will receive Unforgeable Physical Token (UP-Token) for this artwork.