Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2271
Work ID: 98-56
No. of versions: 07
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Work ID: 98-56-v01
"Bitch 4000" could be a robot with special behavior app or the app alone. Definitely the product is targeted at bored customers who want to see "Bitch 4000" to be seriously aggressive to other robots. The "kick ass" property of Bitch 4000 can't harm innocent robots; that would be forbidden and the TA-Net would immobilize any robot attempting to break the rule. But if a robot owner has a spare robot around he/she might decide this machine to be harmed by Bitch 4000.
Humans are fascinated by aggression because they regularly feel the urge to be aggressive and they love to watch aggression, violence and bloodshed. "Bitch 4000" caters to these instincts.
In our case the aggressor is a female robot by definition, and she and / or her behavior seems to be made for being awful and annoying. The advert suggests to "turn your robot into a nagging, disobediant lazy bitch", and the options of the behavioral sliders imply that "kick ass!" is only one, and the least flexible, of her negative features.
In this picture Lessing shows us that humanoids won't always be the pleasing yes-people that one might expect them to be.
Work ID: 98-56-v01
Explanation of the texts:
1 - "Default"
2 - "Bitch"
3 - "4000"
4 - "by Harmony"
5 - "Kick ass!" [light blue]
6 - "Your name here" [dark red, not really readable on -v01] --- this might refer to an option in the app where the user can determine which (consenting!) person/persons or which poor robot shall be the victim of the aggression. This is important because the TA-Net has to be informed that it doesn't activate anti-aggression measure in this case.
7 . "If you are bored"
8 - "Enjoy: fight over nothing + shouting"
9 - "Turn your robot into a nagging, disobediant lazy bitch"
[Sliders of the behavior app]
10 - "Self pity" [greenish occre]
"I deserve better!"
"You don't love me!"
"You are a loser!"
"I am sick of cooking + cleaning!"
11 - "Denying sex" [greenish occre]
"Talking back"
"Sexy attire"
A blue female robot is kicking a red robot victim (on the right) in the gut.
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Work ID: 98-56-v02
In this version the kick ass scene takes place in the night and the artist cranks down the difficult to read graffiti art elements.
Work ID: 98-56-v03
The graffiti text elements seem to be brushed to a wall with wide brushes.
Work ID: 98-56-v04
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Work ID: 98-56-v05
Work ID: 98-56-v06
The kicking robot and the slider topic are emphasized in this version.
Work ID: 98-56-v07
In this last version we seem to be observing the kick ass action taking place in a private sitting room without an audience.
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Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
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