Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2271
Work ID: 98-58
This work is for sale
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Work ID: 98-58-v01
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PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WORK 98-57 with all its 10 VERSIONS AND WORK 98-58 with its additional 10 VERSIONS ARE SOLD AS A PACKAGE of 20 paintings!
Two questions are discussed in this work with many variations: firstly, the robot's destination to please their owner to exactly the extent the owner will not feel it to be annoyingly affirmative.
The second subject deal with how close humans and their robots become. Do robots address their owner with "madam", "sir", "master" or "dude"? Evidently most humans and robot call each others by romantic nicknames like "honey" and sweetie".
The story of the three woman show in the works isn't clear. In an interview Bo Lessing once said, that the one in the front is a new robot, wearing a crown made of artificial mangos, and the two naked ladies are humans who bully her since she seems to be the new woman in the life of a close relative or an ex boyfriend.
However, Lessing shows off his classic training here more than usual.
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Work ID: 98-58-v02
Here we see a few more colorful versions of the work.
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Work ID: 98-58-v03
Work ID: 98-58-v04
Work ID: 98-58-v05
Work ID: 98-58-v06
Work ID: 98-58-v07
Work ID: 98-58-v08
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Work ID: 98-58-v08 (as above on page), framed
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Work ID: 98-58-v09
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Work ID: 98-58-v10
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Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
All versions included in price!
Unlimited copyright included in price!
Buyer will receive Unforgeable Physical Token (UP-Token) for this artwork.