Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2271
Work ID: 98-63
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Work ID: 98-63-v01
Is it ironic self deprecation or deep understanding of the genetically determined natural failure of men to fully live up to the theoretically proclaimed standards of civilization and enlightenment, when artist Bo Lessing writes on his canvas:
"There is not one Robot in the world being as egoistic as I am. If I were you I'd prefer a robot over me any time."
One might speculate how far into the future one might look to see a time where faulty robots are just to be found in antiques collections.
Many have speculated to whom the "Thanks" is directed. In an interview Lessing has said that he had an undefined dialogue partner in mind who is grateful for the honest warning.
However, it speaks for the human man to warn the human partner, male or female, romantic or not, of his limitations. Or wait a minute, the person uttering the warning might be a female, might it not?
Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
All versions included in price!
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