Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2271
Work ID: 98-64
No. of versions: 10
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Work ID: 98-65-v01
In less than 250 years UBI (Universal Basic Income) will pay for a lifestyle that Bo Lessing enjoys today: a villa with an infinity pool and great vision amidst the lush tropical greenery should become middle-class standard.
Commenting on his present living situation in Sri Lanka, Lessing points out that he can see only a sliver of the ocean from his house on the hill, and that there isn't a "Select Bar" full of attractive robots either.
However, "freedom plus money equal luxury", and a decent UBI should and will create the "luxury" of "never having to work nor worry", all that would be the biggest paradigm shift when comparing the far future to today's life, at least when focusing on those who don't live off their very wealthy parents or enjoy retirement from as more than solid, fat investment fond.
Work ID: 98-57-v01
On this mock-up, version v01 is printed as a triptych, hanging in a museum.
Explanation of the text elements:
1 - "Luxury"
2 - "Never having to worry"
3 - "Luxury for life"
4 - "Freedom and money / freedom + = money"
5 - [Freedom] "+ Money"
6 - "Select bar" --- with six ladies sitting on a long sofa
7 - "Average / Basic income beach villa"
8 - [The beach villa, flat roof, Bauhaus style]
9 - [Sunbeds on veranda facing sea]
10 - [Infinity edge pool]
11 - [Indian ocean with sandy beach]
12 - [Glass front of hang-out bar on sloped land, for villa owners, friends and their robots having the famous parties]
13 - [Lush tropical paradise greenery]
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Work ID: 98-65-v02
This version skips the villa with pool and ocean view and shows the bare legs of a person on the left - as a symbol of permanent holiday, which again one typical result of "freedom + money = luxury".
Work ID: 98-65-v03
Version 03 is very similar to version v02, but the edges are blurred from painting, giving it a less graphic more painterly impression.
Work ID: 98-65-v04
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Work ID: 98-65-v05
The center of interest in this and the next version are the villa, the veranda and pool deck, the infinity pool and the tropical green in the background.
Work ID: 98-65-v06
Version that doesn't mention "money" prominently - because in the future many will completely forget about money.
Work ID: 98-65-v07
As much as some people might forget about money, it might be the main issue for others.
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Work ID: 98-65-v08
Many, particularly wealthy people, consider it indecent to talk about money and luxury, while at the same time they want to discreetly show off their riches. Lessing uses the muted and indirect visual vocabulary to express difficult or controversial topics without repelling the audience before their minds have a chance to take the subject serious - a method that Cy Twombly (in general) and Cecily Brown (depicting porn) have used successfully. This way of muted expression has been admired by many as an example of sophistication while other have ridiculed it as cowardly "wishi washi". In version v09 below the controversial method is taken to a next level.
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Work ID: 98-65-v09
This is a good example of the intellectual irony Bo Lessing loves. This montage tells the story of a certain "Ken" having sent a photo of his prestigious museum (MOMA) visit to a certain "Barb" (Barbie and Ken?), who answers like this: "Thanks, Ken, for this great photo of your visit at the MOMA. This is the first serious Lessing I've seen so far. Though, it pretty much looks like stolen from Twombly, right? Love, Barb."
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Work ID: 98-65-v10
"Money and Bar" - if you know the whole story of the painting you might want to hang this to your wall since it looks most like "serious museum" art - being inaccessible for anyone who hasn't read the explanatory texts.
Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
All versions included in price!
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