Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2272
Work ID: 98-69
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Work ID: 98-69-v01
With "Blushing comes true" Bo Lessing attempts to create a text heavy equivalent to the enigmatic imagery typical for contemporary high art. This work also makes an ironic statement on the self-referential nature of contemporary fine art buy talking about aspects of the art scene.
The subject is the Sony invention of a blushing skin that also has the ability sweat. To emphasize the effects of blushing, Sony has thrown in a couple of other feature like tears, a running nose and self-wetting parts of the mouth. Very realistic and probably aimed at the romantic market.
One can spend an hour viewing this painting and still be carried away be guesses, associations and theories on top of a - blushing! - blonde woman having exposed her breasts over a blue bra as a symbol for provocative sexuality. In the background one can see an indication of an undressed person or two - somehow relating to the woman and the text. Making her blush? And if so, why?
- - - Art historian explains painting: ...
"Blushing", Bo Lessing, 2271
1 "Finally blushing comes true"
2 "We introduce the new industry standard (hardware). - Tears. - Saliva. - Sweat. | Perfumes? -> No. -> Partner = Chanel"
3 "Sexual secretion -> No. Indies, disruptive did that."
4 "Reddish skin. Runny nose."
5 "Can cry"
6 "Red blonde"
7 "Red cheeks, red (wet) nose when ..."
8 "Oily sweat when ..."
9 "Thanks to SONY robots are great kissers"
10 "Super combi sensor. Superior." --- The earring
11 "Oily skin + watery sweat (micro beads from pores (R). Patent (world) 3985501967147"
12 ----
13 ----
14 "There seems to be a second woman."
15 "Did the artist intend this lack of sublety? -> sure! He's a genius. What do you expect?
16 "Based on a true story"
17 "Sexiest photo ever"
18 "Nostril widened. Wet [tongue]. Wet [lips]. Lower lips out. Lower teeth forward. Wet [tip of the nose]. Bedroom eyes."
19 "This reflection [on pupil] added by artist."
20 "Reddish ...
21 "... Blonde rules!"
22 "Interpretation guide: this female robot represents male fantasies of a sex partner. The features listed in ad are all connected to kinky male fantasies."
23 ----
24 "This section reserved for art historical references bla bla bla -> Viewer, imagine somthing yourself! Ironic quotation. Eclecticism." --- written within white "chalk" square.
25 "Quiz: Where are the parallels to mannerism + pre-raffaelites? -> You name it, buddy!"
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29 "Take your time to decipher this artwork. Write to the artist if you spend over 15 minutes. He will reward you. Promise. bo@bolessing.com"
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31 "Yes, it's art - since you don't understand it."
32 "Sorry for the overload / -kill"
33 "Doctors prescribe art (3 times daily, after meals)
34 "What was the subject again?"
35 '"Is your brain already stimulated?"
36 "Kippenberger, Immendorf, Beckmann, Pechstein, Currin, Fischl, Sall, Holzer, Beuys, Otto Müller, Lüpertz, Rbt. Williams, Sol Lewitt"
37 "This work is presently owned by the National Gallery of Norway"
38 ----
39 "There seems to be a second woman."
40 "Now shown at Art Basel La Jolla"
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