Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2271
Work ID: 98-78
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Work ID: 98-78-v01
The craving for motherhood is a genetic determination of women. With a robot child this urge can be answered without the hardship that come with it.
Some women adjust the behavior app to "realistic" just to find out if they could copy with real motherhood.
Frequently robot babies are given as a gift to women - mostly by men who try to save their relationship with a human woman instead of turning their attention to the much easier to handle and far more pleasing robot women.
- - - Art historian explains painting: ...
"Baby robot Sandra", Bo Lessing, 2271
1 "Baby girl Sandra (Version 24.5).
Made by Mitsubishi Group”"
Obviously Sandra is a well established product that has seen a lot of improved versions over the years.
2 "Robot"
3 "Select mode somewhere between sweet / cute / no crying ..."
The slider of the app is at "100%".
4 "Realistic / demanding / true parenthood training mode."
That's 0% on the slider.
"Training mode" is recommended for all women who consider to get pregnant and deliver a child themselves.
5 "Emgergency off" - just in case a too realistic baby acts as extremely annoying as one was warned it would.
6 "“He really surprised me with this baby robot. I love it, sorry, ‘her’! So sweet and and innocent. Triggers all my motherly feelings.”"
The baby robot Sandra makes the human mother perfectly happy, because obviously she keeps the cute factor slider cranked to 100%, which is the default.
However, who is the human man who has given her this present, and why did he do so?
Did the robot baby enter the game to "save" the relationship of the couple?
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