Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2272
Work ID: 98-88
This work is for sale
Pinch image for details!
Work ID: 98-88-v01
The omnipresence of AI and robots will make it impossible to plan and commit a crime. This painting describes the technology that will become a commonly accepted source of personal safety.
In other paintings Lessing describes the transformation from total surveillance as a totalitarian horror scenario to a democratically monitored institution based on the ideals of humanity, human rights, equality etc.
Explanation of text elements:
1 Nobody is missing real crime - but still the fascinaton of crime prevails in a Utopia society because we are genetically determined to be triggered by violent behaviour.
2 "Nobody wants to be a victim" has been true since humans exist.
3 But "Nobody has a chance to commit a crime" is a new quality, made possible by AI and robots.
4 "AI detects any pattern that could lead to crime and activates social worker behaviour in all public and private robots nearby.""
5 "Crime prevention = peaceful early therapeutic intervention avoids escalation."
6 "AI response time smaller than 5 seconds. Verbal warning (loudspeaker), if no result anti aggression drones are set free:
drones fly, crawl, jump. Hundreds, very small, are released from Aggression Extinguisher Box in apartment or public site. On contact with aggressor drones pop open a load of ultra sticky quick hardening expanding foam to immobilize aggressor."
7 Crime is a historic thing, but still the depiction of crime is an important part of entertainment.
8 As the only iconographic element there is the outline of a dead body on location painted into this work.
Robots act like psychologically educated friends."
Above: Work ID: 98-88-v01
Please don't dismiss this image as too profane. Collectors need to know how a work would look when being displayed in a private environment.
Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
All versions included in price!
Unlimited copyright included in price!
Buyer will receive Unforgeable Physical Token (UP-Token) for this artwork.