Digital painting and video by Bo Lessing, 2271
Work ID: 98-89
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Work ID: 98-89-v01
"Play religion with me" deals with the fact that in 250 years religious, political and other ideological indoctrination of children up to the age of 16 we be long banned by law. It's going to be considered a violation of human rights when kids are brainwashed into believes of inequality, supremacy and denial of scientifically proven facts.
As all kids like to play with fire (here: candle, which also is a symbol of Christian religion) they also like to do other forbidden things (like playing "religion"). But their obedient robot toys (here the monkey) are obliged to not follow such ideas. How do they handle the dilemma?
Or is there no dilemma because robots should help to create experiences needed for every child's natural development to a balanced and mature adult? Being rebellious and doing forbidden things is one of them - as is being caught and punished. So maybe the monkey a part of a scheme invented by AI and approved by the father?
Explanation of text elements:
1 The daughter of the robot owner is a rebellious teen.
2 The monkey robot is might be a bit to childish, but often one sees that the emotional connection between a kid and their early childhood robots revails and doesn't get fully replace by peer style humans or robots. Here, the monkey robot is the confidant.
3 Religion is a tabu subject until a child turns 16. The law tries to avoid religious or political indoctrination of children at home or in schools. Of course, whatever is forbidden is interesting for teens.
4 The candle is the symbol for religious play.
5 Is there a case of illegal indoctrination? No, because the child initiates the subject of religion. The girls seems to believe that "playing religion" is something forbidden, a notion that the robot supports by "But if your parents..." However, the robot will conspire with the child in order to provide the experience of trust and rebellion that are both part of the balanced upbringing a child needs. The AI is happy that the girl doesn't suggest any serious breach of rules.
Above: Work ID: 98-89-v02.
The symbols for male and female indicate that the daughter of the owner projects gender roles into the religion play, which seems to be in the background of her thought. She's considered with the - limited? - time she has for whatever she intends. She seems to fantasize that the childhood toy, the robot monkey, has developed a strange "adult" interest in her play (hence the drooling from his mouth).
Each version is a one-of-a-kind original artwork.
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